...2007 BudoSai Bisham London
When in May of 2007 my friend, of long standing
(1970), Terry Wingrove, sent me an e-mail to
wonder, if I would have availability to participate
in the commemoration, of the English Karate
50th Aniversary´s BudoSai , in Bisham
London, with an initiation to the Iaido, I was
far from imagining, what I was going to find and
live in Bisham.
To start, the organization in terms of time-tables,
accomodation, transportation, support to the
participants, athletic facilities, everything was
of a fantastic quality... secondly the ambience,
between the Masters of the several Arts was
absolutely incredible, impressions were
exchanged, questions were answered, coments,
exchange of information ... I had never seen an
event of Budo, in which there was Karate, Jujutsu,
Aikido, Taichi, Kobudo from Okinawa , Iaido, several
styles of Kung-Fu ... where the Masters were
sitting down, exchanging impressions and
historical knowledge, without any cloud of
politics or the certain ... "arrogance" of these
events.The Algarve´s weather that I took with me ,
which lasted only the days of the BudoSai, helped
even more the traditional ambience, the possibility
of training in the nature, near the Thames or
under the frondose trees, of which my favorite is
an 600 years old oak , absolutely colossal and
whose energy emanation, was inviting to the pure
practice of Budo. Each one attended the course´s
practice, that interested the most or the course that
had wakened the greatest curiosity, the ambience
between several nationalities, was the best, they all
were interested to know, of where others were from,
and others were exchanging impressions on the
several Arts , Masters, methods of teaching and
personal visions of the Arts, very constructive...
The meals and chats took place in an ancient
Hunting Pavillion that belonged to the British Royal
Family, very refined, which was almost excessive...
to serve Budokas, which normaly are acustomed
to the " Pure Hard Work and Very Little Confort".
Besides being an excellent host, Master Terry
Wingrove, is a man who always made part of the
great World-wide Organizations and it has the
objective, that the BudoSai, happens annually,
in this place and with this ambience, of " NO
POLITICS " and that more and more people join,
Masters and practicioners, not only to extend
knowledge, but also to share the passion for Budo
within a Real Budo´s environment, which should be,
the goal of all Budokas.It would be impossible for
me to describe the beautyful ambience of the
dinner of farewell and that was, the true moment
of the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of
the English Karate . The enormous quantity
of Masters and of ancient athletes, some of my
old adversaries of Championships of the past ...
I recommend a visit to the site: CiberBudo, where
you will find detailed articles on all the events and
respective participants.
This year´s BudoSai, will be even better, in
terms of Masters and in terms of number of
participants. I think that, BudoSai will
become a great European event .
I hope to see you all, in Bisham in September for the
2008 BudoSai
For more infomation please contact: CiberBudo
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